Mill Hill School & Mill Hill International

Combined co-education school, London

Mill Hill School is London’s leading co-educational day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 13 to 18, offering entry into Year 9, entry into Year 10 (two-year GCSE programme and entry into Year 12 (two-Year A level programme), and forms part of the Mill Hill Education Group. Mill Hill School was founded in 1807, when its founders wisely chose its location on the top of a hillside for its fresh air, safety and natural beauty.

Located in 120 acres of beautiful parkland just ten miles to the north of London, Mill Hill School has an international reputation for excellence which has been built over more than two centuries since its foundation. Mill Hill International School is located within its own newly refurbished campus just a short walk from the main Mill Hill School site, and its pupils are members of the wider Mill Hill School community. 

Accommodated in one of four dedicated boarding houses on the Mill Hill School site, International School pupils have full use of the Senior School’s excellent facilities including an indoor swimming pool, sports hall, library, theatre and Music Department. The following courses are offered at Mill Hill International: Year 9 Course, Two-Year GCSE Course, One-Year GCSE Course, Two-Year A Level Course.

Mill Hill School & Mill Hill International image 1
“London’s leading co-educational day and boarding school for 13 to 18 year olds.”
Mill Hill School & Mill Hill International Logo
Head Mr David Benson
School Type Combined co-education school
Junior Age Range 13 - 16
Senior Age Range 16 - 18
Academic GCSE: Yes
Alevel: Yes
Int'l Baccalaureate: No
Total Students 885
Youngest Boarder 13
Int'l Students 110