Since 1894, Queenswood has been providing a truly progressive education to generations of young women. Set in 120 acres of beautiful Hertfordshire countryside, but only 20 minutes by train to Central London and close to London's airports, the school community of around 480 pupils is large enough to offer outstanding opportunities, yet small enough to ensure that each girl is known personally, to teaching and support staff alike. Students achieve outstanding results, both in and beyond the classroom. The opportunities for growth and development for boarders and day girls are extensive, exciting and fun.
Academic results are impressive; the added-value for GCSE in 2024 raised each pupil’s results by a grade in every subject. After achieving impressive A level results the Year 13 students progressed to leading universities including Chemical Engineering at UCL; Mathematics at Queen Mary London; Filmmaking and Creative Technologies at LIPA; Cognitive Neuroscience at Nottingham; and Law at LSE. One student has accepted a prestigious apprenticeship at Société Générale, while another is heading to San Diego University on a Tennis Scholarship. Our teaching methods deliver academic content in the ways girls respond best. Queenswood creates an environment that encourages girls to take risks, where making a mistake is seen as an opportunity to learn, where it’s safe to try something new and it doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed the first time. The school is sought out for its exceptional personalised learning ethos and purposeful atmosphere.
Most importantly, Queenswood girls are happy – and happy girls are successful girls.
Head | Mrs Jo Cameron |
School Type | Senior school for girls |
Senior Age Range | 11 - 18 |
Academic |
GCSE: Yes Alevel: Yes Int'l Baccalaureate: No |
Vocational | |
Total Students | 468 |
Youngest Boarder | 11 |
Int'l Students | 91 |