Leweston School

Senior co-education school in Sherborne, Dorset

Set in 46 acres of beautiful Dorset parkland, Leweston is a Catholic independent boarding and day school which welcomes pupils of all denominations. Leweston takes girls and boys from 3 months to 11 years in the Junior Department and girls from 11 to 18 years in the Senior School. Girls can board from the age of 7.

Leweston School image 1
"Gaudere et Bene Facere" - Rejoice and Do Well

Leweston’s Senior School is one of the top academic girls’ schools in the South West with consistently high results at GCSE and A Level. The school has a distinguished reputation for music, drama and sport and is building a reputation as the best school in the region for aspiring Biathletes and Pentathletes. It has recently been made a regional Pentathlon training centre by Pentathlon GB.

Leweston School Logo
Head Mr John Paget-Tomlinson
School Type Senior co-education school
Senior Age Range 11 - 18
Academic GCSE: Yes
Alevel: Yes
Int'l Baccalaureate: No
Total Students 278
Youngest Boarder 7
Int'l Students 31