Kent College Pembury

A Senior & Prep Boarding School for Girls in Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Kent College Pembury is a leading independent day and boarding school for girls aged 3-18. Set in a beautiful 75 acre rural parkland estate just outside of Royal Tunbridge Wells in Kent, the School boasts an excellent location due to its proximity to London and the Gatwick and Heathrow airports.

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Kent College is a school with heart and soul. It has really fulfilled her potential and she’s embraced every opportunity as a boarder which has given her the poise and confidence to go out and succeed. We can’t thank you enough.” (Upper Sixth Parent)

Kent College provides an exciting and ambitious education within a warm, friendly and nurturing community where day girls and boarders surpass their expectations and achieve at the highest level whilst having the time of their lives.


Exam results and the destinations of our leavers are consistently excellent with an extensive and enriched all-round curriculum where girls flourish in the Sciences and mathematics whilst also using their performing arts skills to high acclaim in our West End standard school productions.

Kent College Pembury Logo
Head MIss Katrina Hanford
School Type Combined school for girls
Junior Age Range 3 - 11
Senior Age Range 11 - 18
Academic GCSE: Yes
Alevel: Yes
Int'l Baccalaureate: No
Total Students 559
Youngest Boarder 10
Int'l Students 52