We can help you find the best UK boarding school for your child, complete our Enquiry Form or ring our helpline, where our experienced Education Consultants will review & recommend suitable schools for your consideration to meet your child's individual requirements. Give us a call, the education specialists at Anderson Education will be happy to discuss your options! Please see our UK Boarding School Admission Process hints and tips.
The environment of a UK Boarding School is nurturing, caring and aims to giving each child the opportunities to develop their personal talents to the full and achieve their academic potential.
Boarding schools understand that some children may need a more specialised education and support system, a child may need extra help to overcome a physical or learning disability, or a gifted child needs to be with like-minded pupils, boarding schools are dedicated to developing your child’s potential.
UK Boarding School Directories
Advice & Guidance | Family & student first-hand experiences | Featuring over 60 schools
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Help & Advice
As education specialists we are the best people to offer you free help and advice, we help and guide many families, living in the UK and overseas, to find the best boarding school for their child. We have visited over 350 UK boarding schools, when we visit we are looking for what is special and unique about each schools, we are then able to match this with your child’s strengths, skills and talents. We receive enquiries from families living and working in many parts of the world, the first thing we do is arrange to meet the family or talk to them on the phone.